October 27, 2011

Surprise! Liberal Journalists Are Biased. Duh!

David Oaks released an emergency alert (copied below) regarding a (conference dated 2010 and) report posted on the Huffington Post web pages. He asks (in his original alert) "That passes as news coverage?"

My question is, Where have you been for the last generation? Journalists, many of whom are psychiatric patients willingly taking psychiatric drugs, are incapable of skepticism regarding psychiatry. Journalists, lawyers, politicians, courts, judges and caregivers do not question any of the assumptions of a group of people who act as if their genes have been cleansed of mendacity, greed and sadism. Ever wonder how such irrational laws were created by state and US legislative bodies?

One major barrier to skepticism by journalists and public officials about psychiatry is that they believe that NAMI is an advocacy group for the rights of mental patients. They are unaware that NAMI is a front organization for the drug companies, and funded by them to promote, advocate for, more taxpayer funded drug treatment. NAMI says they are concerned about stigma, but only in so far as it inhibits more treatment, and taxpayer funding. The stigma toward those who willingly submit to the psychiatric control freak drug pushers, are omitted from their concern. NAMI ignores state and US laws that prohibit unlawful discrimination. They do not promote employment for persons accused of mental illness. They are solely focused on promoting more drug treatment. Why not educate your members, public officials, journalists and alleged professionals about that fact?

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[Notice: links to pages beginning with 3ly, are no good. They lead to a site threely.com.]
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Below is UPDATED and CORRECTED version of yesterday's alert.

News with photo: http://3.ly/mfijaffe

The Huffington Post Carries Attack on "Alternatives 2010" Mental Health Conference

ACTION: Ask Editors of Huffington Post For Fair Coverage of Mental Health

by David W. Oaks, Director, MindFreedom International

ANAHEIM, CALIFORNIA: Yesterday, the sound of a rare thunderstorm resounded over the hotel ballroom roof as journalist Robert Whitaker keynoted to the Alternatives 2010 conference, where more than 1,000 mental health consumers and psychiatric survivors have registered.

Whitaker delivered a message worthy of the thunder, based on his book Anatomy of an Epidemic. He provided scientific data that the psychiatric profession has grossly deceived the public for decades about the risks and benefits of psychiatric drugs.


You'd think a blog like The Huffington Post would be intrigued about how a marginalized population has found its own voice and delivers peer-delivered services.

You won't find such news in The Huffington Post. Instead, as they have many times before, The Huffington Post ran another diatribe by extremist D. J. Jaffe, which you can read here:

In his Huffington Post blog, Jaffe has repeatedly called for making it easier and easier to get court orders to force us to take psychiatric drugs, and he does that again in The Huffington Post "news coverage" of Alternatives 2010. It turns out Jaffe never even made an appearance at the conference that he "covered."

You can try try adding your comment directly to the debate on Jaffe's blog entry by logging in on The Huffington Post at the above link.

However, I have submitted two comments to this Huffington Post in blog in the past two days, and neither one has been approved by their editors so far. You can read my posts, which have apparently been suppressed, on MFI's blog here:


Ask a simple, strong, civil question. You can do this action without registering on their web site.



A sample question to ask The Huffington Post -- though your own words are best:

"Dear Huffington Post Editors: You have bloggers covering mental health. But why don't you give prominent coverage to any representative from the mental health consumer and psychiatric survivor movement? Doesn't this constituency deserve a voice? The disability movement has a saying, 'Nothing About Us, Without Us.' If you carry Jaffe's hate speech, then what about the other side of the story?"

CONTACT The Huffington Post here:

Because this Huffington Post contact page has no exact feedback form to Huffington editors, we imagine both the following e-mail addresses could be relevant:

Also, there's a web form there for 'corrections,' and Jaffe has a lot of errors you can mention. It figures, since apparently he did not even attend the event he's 'reporting' on.

Please forward this alert to others who care about media bias in mental health.

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