October 1, 2011

Palin Seeks Freedom to Express Her Views as a Citizen

Gov. Palin is saying what Richard Nixon observed while he was President. He said, "The strongest person in America is a citizen, because he has rights." It is also true that elected officials cannot speak their minds because they fear offending voters, contributors, and special interests. All politicians moderate their public expression. Citizens have a right to expression criticizing elected officials. It is not the office that "shackles" officials it is self censorship which is worse than censorship by others. How many decisions do elected officials make that are dictated by others? All? Most? Some? Many? Obama and many journalists respect credentials, which have no correlation with truth, integrity or common sense. Citizens can speak their minds without fear of losing votes or campaign contributions. Under current government corruption citizens only fear unlawful retaliation by the criminals, who run the government.


Palin unshackled: Same thing happened when she quit as Alaska governor
Craig Medred |
Sep 30, 2011
Alaska Dispatch

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