July 15, 2011

US Freedom Endangered

[From article]
"America isn't walking into a mine field; it is already deep within the field and in mortal peril of having freedom as we know it perish from the earth. Liberty, after all, is a relatively new experiment in humanity having been around a scant 250 years of several thousand years of human history. In fact dictatorship, autocracy, and tyranny are the norm. The problem with America right now is that people are too anesthetized by the latest reality TV show, celebrity trial, or sex scandal to pay attention to the fact that their freedoms are being stripped from them one at a time. The only hope is for America to finally wake up and return to the libertarian principles that founded the nation.


July 15, 2011
The Soft Dictatorship
By Robert Eugene Simmons Jr.
American Thinker

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