July 15, 2011

MA Officials Punish Whistle Blowers

Dorien Bazemore, 17, of Roxbury, said, “People are quiet because they’re scared to say something, because they know what’s going to happen.” Why do police and politicians expect teens to share information with police about crimes by their peers, while officials remain silent about crime by their colleagues? Do lawyers cooperate with police about crimes by lawyers? Do doctors report criminal acts by doctors? William Bulger said, "I do not remember." when asked about his brother James who is on trial for 19 homicides. Massachusetts role models set the standards for teen morality. Whenever I write about wrongdoing by city, state or Harvard officials one of their associates bring harassment and threats the next day. Why should teens jeopardize themselves?


Kids ‘scared’ to help cops
Say breaking silence will spark violence
By Natalie Sherman
Boston Herald
Friday, July 15, 2011

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