July 26, 2011

Homosexuals Abuse Due Process Protections

[Latest comment]
So is this the situation with regard to New York State approving same sex marriage? The most corrupt state government in the history of New York approved same sex marriage. The homosexual lobby wants the rest of us, sinners and breeders alike, to believe that the New York state government passed this law based on civil rights? Ahem! Where is that bridge you want me to buy?

[Initial comment]
Due Process violations are pervasive in the methods the Homosexual Lobby uses to obtain their way with same sex marriage. In Massachusetts the state constitution declares that matters of marriage are to be left to the Governor and the legislature. The state Supreme Judicial Court decision which used the state constitution's equal protection clause to legalize same sex marriage is flawed. My several written reports to state officials and journalists were simply ignored. It appears that homosexuals control government mechanisms and selectively use laws for their own purposes. This is life imitating art--Animal Farm.

[reply from kenwhite]
What do you care who marries whom? Why is it any of your business? Why do you care about other people's marriages? What's wrong with you? Get what is called a life.

[My Reply to kenwhite]
Nothing wrong with me. Some fascists have problems with free expression. Nothing new there. Intolerant control freaks lack respect for others and their rights. If you don't extend the right to free speech to others with whom you disagree in public discourse try Iran. You'll like it there. When inarticulate readers have no rational argument they always resort to personal attacks, the first rule of propaganda. You show your lack of reason. Wahhhhh.

[reply from kenwhite]
Did I once say you're not entitled to your opinion. My questions still stand, most importantly, why do you care who marries whom? I could care less if two guys or two girls want to get married. If they're consenting adults and want to commit to each other formally and before our government, its no skin off my teeth. It won't affect my marriage, it won't affect yours (assuming you're married) and it won't affect anyone's. You're entitled to your opinion, but actually going out and working toward denying others the right to marry is just plain wrong. For the millionth time on various threads, if a person wants to marry someone who wants to marry them, neither you, me or anyone has the right to tell them no. What is so hard to understand about that? Can't Americans live their lives and enjoy their liberties? Can't they pursue happiness?

[my reply to kenwhite]
You are so used to being intolerant that you consider normal, accusing someone who disagrees with you of being defective. "What's wrong with you?" you ask. My reply is what's wrong with you? Why are you more likely a resident of Iran? You do not respect others who disagree with you. You believe you are right and anyone who disagrees is wrong or perhaps insane, or evil, stupid for sure. Liberal graduates of Ivy League colleges argue like that, using personal attacks. Do you know what a personal attack is? I see the pattern in your other posts mocking religious people. You show your hatred for religions too. You may be the one who is wrong, evil, stupid and insane. I never mentioned concerns about marriage. You show your lack of understanding of the notion of constitutional rights which apply to everyone not just homosexuals. The right to practice a religion that says your beliefs are wrong is a guaranteed right. Mocking that religion shows hatred and intolerance. Aren't you proud? What is wrong with you? You say no one has the right to deny the right to marry. There is no such right. Marriage is a privilege, not a right. What is wrong with you? State laws say a brother and sister cannot marry. A mother cannot marry her son. A father cannot marry his daughter. A man cannot marry a horse. In many states two people of the same sex cannot marry. What you say is a right is illegal in some states. Do you know the difference?

[Reply from kenwhite]
Again, marrying animals.Animals can't consent to marriage. As for religion, when people bring that up in these cases they show a woeful lack of knowledge about America. They don't seem to realize that religious law does not trump civil law. In other words, just because something goes against a particular religion does not mean that it can't become legal here. A lot of people delude themselves into thinking that America is a Christian nation. Well, it isn't and never has been and never will be. It is a nation of people who practice many faiths and not one of those faiths holds dominion over civil code, civil law. And when people like Jim DeMint say the want more God in government they are just plain stupid. You mention Iran. Well, DeMint should look there for an example of what happens when religion and government jump into bed together. Most of my friends are conservatives Christians and one is a pastor himself. Even he doesn't stick his nose into other people's marriages. Now, as for moms and dads marrying kids and the other stuff, that is a common tactic. That is, take the uncommon and unlikely and apply it to the more common as an example as to why it should not be allowed. By your logic, guns shouldn't be sold to citizens because they can be used to kill people. Nice try but it doesn't work. You're entitled to your opinion and I never said you weren't. But people who go out and stick their noses into other people's rights and other people's marriages and bedrooms are disgusting. Ain't none of your business who marries whom and it ain't none of mine. The only reason I comment on it is because gays are being denied their civil rights and I can't stand that. I would have been complaining if I were around when women wanted the vote or when African Americans were seeking their civil rights.

[my reply to kenwhite]
Your argument: I want the government to give me something, therefore it is my right to have it. All homosexuals and useful idiots join me. We are victims and morally superior to those who do not want to let us have what we want. Therefore they are wrong and we the superior homosexuals are right. They are evil and we are good. They are insane and we are sane. They are bigots and we are victims of bigotry. Corrupt politicians accept your campaign contributions and pass laws contrary to constitutional protections for all citizens, even homosexuals, to cater to your money. How is what the homosexual lobby does different from what the arms merchants, the drug companies and the insurance companies do? Homosexuals are an elitist interest group, gaming the corrupt political system, which focuses only on helping homosexuals. Non homosexuals are attacked as haters, and breeders. Good for you assisting the division of Americans into two warring camps. Keep it up. How many homosexuals are in the country? How many breeders?

[From article]
"New York State Open Meetings laws were violated, said New Yorkers for Constitutional Freedoms and Torah Jews for Decency in their lawsuit. There were also irregularities in the Senate voting procedures, and “unprecedented Senate lockouts” in which lobbyists and the public were denied access to lawmakers."


Values groups file suit to overturn law on homosexual marriages
Cheryl Wetzstein
The Washington Times
5:14 p.m., Monday, July 25, 2011

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