July 18, 2011

Undefeated, Film Review

[From Review]
"The media dare not show you the entirety of her speeches, because Palin is a passionate, well-spoken, and thoroughly polished speaker who knows what it is that she believes, and why she believes it.
[. . .]
The opening gives you a taste of the sort of attacks Palin has come under, many of which the media has not reported. Prepare to feel shame at what's been done. Steady yourself for the sadness at the realization of what's been done to this woman and her family. Know that it will anger you to see the litany of four-letter harangues and threats aimed at Palin. For a parent, in an emotional sense, it's a bit like watching helplessly as your own daughter is violently assaulted. If it doesn't get a rise out of you, you're likely dead inside, and this movie isn't for you."


We and She: The Undefeated
by Mark America on Saturday,
July 16, 2011 at 11:12am

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