November 24, 2010

Harvard Campus Cops Violent Toward Elders

“to any individuals engaging in violent activity in our community,” Davis said. “We will continue our ceaseless efforts to hold violent perpetrators accountable.” Sounds great. Will this effort be applied equally to police employees who harass persons with disabilities? Will it apply to Harvard University's depraved special campus cops who abuse their power, torment and insult persons with disabilities and elder citizens?

Reread my comment. "Davis said, We will continue our ceaseless efforts to hold violent perpetrators accountable." I asked if that applies to special Harvard cops, "violent perpetrators," who as Deputies Sheriff are empowered to make traffic stops when traveling between Cambridge and Boston campuses. As special state police they are empowered to make arrests of state law violations (not city ordinances) on Harvard property. Working with local police Harvard campus cops extend their jurisdiction contrary to law. When they are in Boston, Commissioner Davis' announced policy on "violent perpetrators" should apply to violent Harvard campus cop perpetrators. Are Harvard campus cops not like the rest? Do they never abuse their power with the cooperation of city and state police? Lawlessness of special state police officers in the commonwealth needs scrutiny from real police officers. Unlikely in this state.

Police launch South End gang, guns sweep
By O’Ryan Johnson
Boston Herald
Thursday, October 28, 2010

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