October 22, 2010

Obama Smart/Palin Dumb?

[From article]
"Propped up by the mainstream media as the intellectual version of Superman, Mr. Obama with his eloquent, if not robotic, public appearances has fed into the perception that he is one of the most brilliant people in world history - a political Albert Einstein, worthy of the Nobel Prize.

Mrs. Palin meanwhile, has been mercilessly attacked by most in the media and chronically lampooned on late-night TV to the point where some believe she said things that actually were said by comedians.
[. . .]
Last but not least, mainstream media and late night-comedy portrayals are deeply flawed when it comes to Mrs. Palin. It is easy to look smart when surrounded by teleprompters like Mr. Obama. In those rare instances when Mr. Obama strays from the script, we end up with comments like 'the Cambridge police acted stupidly.'"


GORDON: Outsmarting Obama
Reasons why Sarah has more brains than Barack
By J.D. Gordon
The Washington Times
5:07 p.m., Friday, October 22, 2010

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