December 2, 2015

Journalists Continue Publishing Propaganda, Misleading American Voters and Taxpayers

[From article]
Ironically, murders and shootings are highest in Democrat-controlled cites that have the toughest gun laws.
For example: in Chicago over the Thanksgiving weekend, 30 people were shot, and 8 died. Was this widely reported nationally? Heck, no. And yet every rare occasion in which a cop kills a black, regardless of the circumstances, is broadcast 24/7, made front-page news.
This year, Baltimore broke its 43-year record for murders, mostly black on black.
Under-reported was the BLM rally in which BLM zealots marched down a New York street chanting, "What do we want? Dead Cops! When do we want it? Now!"
I bet you are unfamiliar with hashtag "#killacop."
[. . .]

I can pretty much guarantee that the TMZ-watching low-info-voters in my family have not heard about the video in which a black supremacist sent out a clarion call to BLM followers that it is open season on killing cops and crackers (white people).
For the most part, the mainstream media and Democrats have sided with BLM, hiding the hate group's violent intentions from the public. As a matter of fact, mainstream media and Democrats are active participants in the hate group's campaign to demonize America's police.
[. . .]
The arrogance of these hypocritical, evil vipers giving BLM a pass while condemning conservatives and Christians tells you everything you need to know about secular progressive zealots.

December 2, 2015
PP and MSM condemning decent Americans: Oh, please!
By Lloyd Marcus

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