December 31, 2015

Frequent Sex Prevents Cancer In Men

More than 1.1 million cases of prostate cancer were recorded in 2012, according to the World Cancer Research Fund International. Pictured are prostate cancer cells under a microscope.

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Men who have regular orgasms - once a day - are less likely to be diagnosed with prostate cancer, a study has found.
Regular ejaculation throughout their lives reduces the risk of the disease, scientists discovered.
The researchers, from Harvard Medical School, said they could not explain why orgasms could lower prostate cancer risk, adding further research is necessary.
However it has previously been suggested that regular orgasms may flush out cancer-causing chemicals in the prostate.
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Another theory is that if sperm is regularly cleaned out to allow new cells to develop, it helps stop the build-up of old cells that might be more likely to turn cancerous.
The prostate is a small satsuma-sized gland located between a man's penis and his bladder.
Its main function is to produce a thick white fluid that is mixed with the sperm produced by the testicles, to create semen.
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The Harvard study is the largest to date to examine the frequency of ejaculation and related prostate cancer risk.
The researchers found that men in the 40 to 49 age bracket who ejaculate 21 or more times a month reduced their risk of prostate cancer by 22 per cent.
This was compared to men who ejaculate four to seven times a month.
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They found that the more frequently a man ejaculated throughout his life, the lower his risk of prostate cancer at all three of these points in time.
This was the case even when they adjusted their results to take factors such as diet, lifestyle and a history of prostate cancer screening into account.
Dr Jennifer Rider, of Harvard Medical School and Brigham and Women’s Hospital, said the results are ‘particularly encouraging’ but should be interpreted with caution.
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More than 1.1 million cases of prostate cancer were recorded in 2012, accounting for around eight per cent of all new cancer cases and 15 per cent in men, according to figures from the World Cancer Research Fund International.
The causes of prostate cancer are largely unknown, but the chances of developing the disease increase as a man gets older.

How an orgasm a day can slash a man's cancer risk: Regular sex lowers the 'chance of prostate tumors by 20%'
Men who ejaculate more frequently lower their risk of the disease
Those who ejaculate 21 times a month or more cut their risk by 22%
This was compared to men who ejaculated up to 7 times a month
Theorists say orgasm flushes out cancer-causing chemicals and old cells
By Lizzie Parry For and Madlen Davies For Mail Online
Published: 14:09 EST, 30 December 2015 | Updated: 02:59 EST, 31 December 2015

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