December 21, 2015

Abuse of First Amendment Due to Ignorance. What Else Is New?

[From article]
The hysterical, politically correct outburst following Donald Trump's idea of barring Muslims from abroad produced much emotion and wacky claims, including the protest that barring someone based on his religion is unconstitutional according to the 1st Amendment.
The ignorance here is shocking. The rights, privileges and obligations of a U.S. citizen are simply inapplicable to non-citizen foreigners.
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Today's standard, politically correct interpretation is that the purpose of the 1st Amendment was to make of the new United States an irreligious republic when that was nowhere near its original intent.
The principal, actually innocent catalyst for this misinterpretation lies in the evolution of language over time.
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in colonial America, each colony (except for Rhode Island) had an official church in the same way England and every other European country had one. For example, Pennsylvania was the "Quaker State"; in Massachusetts, the Congregationalists dominated; in Virginia, the Church of England was official
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when some revolutionaries wanted to disestablish an official government church, and were opposed, the opponents' philosophy was called antidisestablishmentarianism.
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it was most logical to decide that the new United States of America would have no official church, no official religion to administer religious life in America. Religion was none of the government's business.
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The Framers wanted limited government in many fields, and religion was one of them.
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the language and purpose of the 1st Amendment was to create a republic of not atheists, but free individuals whose religious life was theirs alone to live.
Those who think the first words of the 1st Amendment call for an areligious society are all wet.

December 21, 2015
The First Amendment (Recovered)
By Sha'i ben-Tekoa

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