December 14, 2015

Fighting For Your Right To Free Speech

In 2015:
We successfully sued New York, Washington, San Francisco in defense of the First Amendment right to free speech.
We are headed to the U.S. Supreme Court to fight for free speech against the Boston MTA.
We had a major free speech win in Philly against their MTA to run our Islamic Jew-hatred ads.
We held a Muhammad Art Exhibit in Garland, Texas which was targeted by two jihadis, resulting in their deaths. The subsequent attacks on us by the media and leftist elites exposed their agenda and showed them to be aligned with sharia supremacists. They woke America up.
We ran tbe Muhammad cartoon on billboards in Arkansas and Texas.
We are suing the Washington, DC MTA to get them up on buses and subways there.
We submitted a new Muhammad "quotes" campaign to 15 major American cities.
We ran numerous ad campaigns in a number of American cities, highlighting the dangers of Islamic texts and teachings.
We ran numerous campaigns to expose wealthy Jewish donors to the Boycott, Divestment and Sanction (BDS) of Israel movement.
We ran numerous ad campaigns in a number of American cities in defense of Israel.
We held rallies against the free speech restrictions under the sharia.
We came under massive DDoS attacks and installed state of the art security systems on our websites.
We welcomed the courageous ex-Muslim human rights activist Nonie Darwish as an AFDI Geller Fellow. Her Former Muslims United group is now a program of the American Freedom Defense Initiative.

Our Facebook pages have a combined following of 350,000. And our twitter accountshave 150,000 followers. That's a critical tool in the information battle-space.

We have big plans for 2016. More free speech events, more ads, more "going on the offense."

However, doing this work is costly endeavor. Our security costs continue to be a major concern. We need your help now.

As Islamic terror and sharia adherence continues to expand and grow in the U.S. and the West, your tax-deductible support of AFDI continues to have a positive impact and helps us achieve success in our efforts raise an army of Davids.



Donating to AFDI in honor of a family member, friend, or colleague is a special holiday gift – and helps us continue our work. Your honoree will be notified of your tribute to them.


You may donate online at by going here or by sending a check to AFDI, Attention: Pamela Geller, 1040 1st Avenue, #121 New York, NY 10022

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