December 10, 2015

College Students Offended By Documentary Revealing Anti Israeli, Anti Jewish Muslims

[From article]
the 2006 documentary [. . .] it is an incredible eye-opener.
[. . .]
[student reaction]
Children are being taught to hate and to kill for Allah. Also I think it is interesting that the terrorists burned down all religious centers where they are except for the mosque
[. . .]
An African-American female athlete writes that she has learned:
... a lot of cultures have had problems with Jews. It is sad for all Jews to be Jewish because they cannot be proud of who they are without persecution. I live in a town which is predominantly Jewish and they are the quietiest [sic] and most harmless people. In my opinion, how countries treat Jews is how a bully would treat a quiet student who bothers no one. They just want something to pick on.
[. . .]
Another female student asserted that "it is extremely disturbing" how "the [terrorists] are giving their children lessons on how to hate. Before this DVD was shown in class, I had no idea how terrifying this war was between us and the Islamic world. I believe that Americans need to wake up before it is too late and protect our nation."
[. . .]
A young woman whose parents come from Azerbaijan writes:
... the treatment of Jewish [sic] particularly and the degree to which anti-semitism still runs rampant post-WWII is shocking. It's difficult to imagine the culture and circumstances that could raise such blind hatred in a group of people.
[. . .]
These students clearly perceive the danger of Islamic jihad while Obama and too many politically correct possible jihadist sympathizers and spineless officials downplay the genuine danger assailing America and the world.
Clarifying the incompatibility between American freedom and Islamic jihadist terror is the most urgent issue of our time.
[. . .]
when confronted with the actual number of 330-plus million Muslims out of one billion Muslims who do support jihad and the imposition of sharia law, the students realize that "small" is a relative term.

December 10, 2015
Millennials Waking Up to the Threat of Terrorism?
By Eileen F. Toplansky

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