March 14, 2015

Legal Analysis Of Clinton Email Issue By A Liberal Supporter

[From article]
Important Point 5 And thus, the worry. SOS Clinton, when she left office, failed to turn over official records of the United States for almost 2 years. We know this because she now has, belatedly, turned over 55,000 pages of records to the State Department. Assume that the failure to turn over the documents was an accident -- doesn't matter, per the regs, she is still subject to criminal prosecution, and 18 USC 641 is broad enough to encompass even accidental retention. Worse still, it was unlawful for her to remove the documents from the state department or to "conceal" them on her server and not turn them over. She could be arrested, forfeit office, and be disqualified from holding any office under the United States....forever.*
So, that is my legal analysis. I leave it to the audience to tell me how wrong I am....but please, everyone, stop pretending that failing to turn over records when she left office was not a big deal for HRC.

TUE MAR 03, 2015 AT 06:21 PM PST
Let us look at the law re: Clinton Emails
by Cthulhu

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