December 3, 2014

Will Danish Pattern of Muslim Assimilation Appear in United States

[From article]
Denmark (like most European countries) has allowed Muslim immigration to swell as the nation has embraced multiculturalism and dhimmitude.
The country is paying a heavy price for its shortsightedness.
Muslims comprise just under 5% of the population of Denmark. Five percent may not sound like a lot, but it doesn’t take a lot to wreak havoc on a nation.
Per a series of Gatestone Institute reports (see here, here, here, here, here, here, here, and here), crime in Denmark has exploded. Muslim street gangs “have taken over large parts of Danish towns and cities.” Often wearing bulletproof vests and armed to the teeth, Muslim thugs are engaged in all manner of criminal activity, from illegal weapons trafficking to arson to human trafficking to car theft, vandalism, extortion, robbery, assault, rape, and murder. This in a nation that had one of the lowest crime rates in Europe.
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Madness reigns supreme in numerous “no go” zones where non-Muslims enter at their own risk. Including the police. Meanwhile, Muslims are pushing for “Sharia Law Zones” where Muslims would operate autonomously with no obligation to obey Danish law.
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Though Muslims comprise just under 5% of the population, they consume 40% of social welfare benefits.
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Meanwhile, free speech is under attack. Literally. A cartoon can get you killed in Denmark if the cartoonist has insulted Islam in any way, shape, or form.
Also in the category of Muslims and hate is rising anti-Semitism. As one among a litany of examples: a few years ago a Muslim group offered a $30,000 bounty for the murder of several prominent Danish Jews.
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All the factors that make a culture ripe for ruin are in place in the United States just as they are in Denmark (and throughout Europe).
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Apparently, quite a lot. Since 1972, there have been 3,096 individuals murdered and another 1,690 injured in the United States in the name of Allah.
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In addition to threats and outright violence, many Muslims make demands to assert special victim status. And superiority. The end goal: Islamic (Sharia) law in America.
[Obama's] speech at the United Nations in 2012 when he said: “The future must not belong to those who slander the prophet of Islam.” And while he subsequently tried to qualify that statement by creating a broader context, the fact is Obama has never spoken out against Islam and has never supported those who do.
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we are contending with an array of Muslim Brotherhood front groups who push Sharia law with the ultimate goal of destroying America. Some of the most prominent are the Islamic Society of North America (ISNA), and the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR), and the Muslim Students Association (MSA), among many others. The Muslim Brotherhood has infiltrated every arm of government and just about every aspect of our society
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We’ve got an Islamaphile sitting in the Oval Office (and that’s putting it politely), a Democratic Party in bed with Islamists who seek the collapse of America, a Republican Party that is only marginally better, a public that is woefully uniformed, and a growing population of Muslims.

October 10, 2014
Does Dhimmitude in Denmark Describe Our Destiny?
By Carol Brown

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