October 30, 2013

What is Affirmative Action?

Posted October 28, 2013 9:19 PM ET; Last updated October 30, 2013 2:30 PM ET
Affirmative action, diversity and other race based programs were dreamed up by Harvard University Law School professors. Their idea was to compensate black Americans collectively whose ancestors were abused by the American institution of slavery. It did not address victims of slavery by Egyptians, Sudanese, Nigerians, Saudi Arabia, China, India, Mexico and other numerous countries which practiced and practice it.

But who benefits from this controversial government mandate? Wealthy upper class elite black people (I mean white people with dark complexion), some of who never suffered under slavery and whose ancestors did not live in the United States. Barack Obama is one of them. He was picked up in his teens and sent to prestigious private schools, moved to Columbia University and then to Harvard Law School. His father was a white man with dark complexion from Kenya. His mother was a white woman with white complexion. He was elected to a state senate position in Illinois by employing character assassination. He got elected to the US Senate the same way, by slandering his opponent. He is a political thug who is now President of the United States elected twice.

His Attorney General is another man who is white with dark complexion (as the Danvers, Massachusetts police describe black people). Eric Holder's parents are from Barbados. He is a graduate of Columbia University and Columbia Law School, which practices and promotes the same misguided race based programs as Harvard Law School.

So what is affirmative action if not a beneficent program to help deserving poor black people (I mean white people with dark complexion), who suffered from discrimination based on their race, who are held back due to historical racist abuses? It is an elitist government program which punishes white people who have a white complexion for doing no wrong. It is an elitist government program which divides Americans based on race. It assists the admitted KGB program of dividing Americans against themselves by any means. Some say the program of diversity, the latest name for the same form of affirmative action, is meant to enrich lives of deprived persons, to diversify the population of universities and employment.

If that was so, it would include not only upper class elitist black (I mean white people with dark complexion), women and homosexuals. It would include older persons, and persons with disabilities who are no less upper class and elitist. But the ruling class still treats people with disabilities as if they are all morons and delusional. Harvard University leads the way segregating its population by able bodied and young, separating older persons and persons with disabilities. Even those who are working for the police or the FBI abusing others. One example from my life is how the FBI used me to fight organized crime for 15 years, after I was drugged and unable to function. The FBI and police employed the United States government and all of its police power to abuse a white man with white complexion who was unable to function, for the benefit of FBI agents and police who conducted that 15-year extreme criminal abuse.

No white people with white complexion are alive who practiced slavery in the United States. The government program, affirmative action, now diversity, rewards white people with dark complexion who suffered no harm under slavery. It is not a requirement that a person's ancestors suffered, only that a person is white with dark complexion.

So people who are white with dark complexion come to the United States and demand privileges meant for others. And guilt ridden white people with white complexion grant them. White people with white complexion are so fearful of being called a racist that they will do anything not to feel ashamed and guilty. I overcame those fears after being called a racist for 34 years by crime families and the FBI, to discredit me. It was also after 15 years of being abused by the FBI saying about me, "He's a black, homosexual, Jew from New York." and using me to fight organized crime for 15 years without compensation.

That was after government psychiatrists drugged me for 80 consecutive days without consent contrary to law using hallucinogens because they thought I was a spy. So I have an idea about some of the egregious misguided abuses of calling people racists. It shows that people who call white people with white complexion racists, have no rational arguments. Some do not like what white people with white complexion say. Some people just do not like white people with white complexion. It is a method of censoring and discrediting people who are disliked, like saying in Cambridge, Massachusetts or on any university campus, "He's a right wing Republican."

In October, 2013, a bright-eyed and bushy-tailed Chinese American Communist allegedly working at Boston University appeared in my life. He is the latest partner of a dedicated young lesbian who works with numerous crime families, police agencies and leftist Communist groups to harass me, to humiliate me, to insult me, to provoke me, tampering with my computer, and disturbing my sleep every day. He says about me, "He's a black (that is white with dark complexion) Communist homosexual." He brings to a complete circle the racist appellations attributed to me over the past 43 years. When I wrote about this new effort to change my complexion one more time, he said, "You just committed suicide." Hello? Is that the kind of people I need around me? He caused my computer to crash about 15 times (felonies under US Code) in one hour earlier in the day.

There are enough Harvard University graduate students, campus police, city police criminals and FBI informants filled with hatred of white people and older people who torment me each day. I do not need any more. I'm told that a highly intelligent graduate of Columbia University who spent two hours telling me about his extensive knowledge of international affairs, wants to kill me. See. I do not need more kinds of harassment. I have enough.

What difference does it make? Homosexual or breeder? White with dark or white complexion? From New York, New Jersey, Massachusetts, Arizona or what? And religion and ethnicity too? For the past 43 years each of the nine crime families, the FBI and Communist groups had their own elements of character assassination. It was always directed at discrediting me and diminishing me, destroying my career, my reputation, my social, political and economic support systems. After 43 years it was all destroyed. But the harassment and character assassination continue.

The lesbian is descended from upper class parents in India. She says she is a graduate student psychologist at Harvard University's Medical School. Like others at Harvard University she ignores inconvenient laws. Conducting behavior conditioning, treatment without consent is no problem for the upper class elitists who run the state government in Massachusetts. She is not the first Harvard University psychologist to conduct lawless programs. She is only the latest. When I did waste time complaining to state agencies and police about violations of state and US laws, state police officers called me to threaten me if I did not stop complaining. It was more efficient to just ignore the crimes against me. Police and the courts are only used against me. They do not stop police criminals who harass me.

Over the years I was black (I mean white with dark complexion) then white with white complexion, and now white with dark complexion again. On each occasion the opposite complexioned persons would conduct racially motivated criminal abuse. I was first a black person attacked by white racists. Then I was a white racist attacked by black racists. Now this Chinese man desires that I again become a black Communist (dog in the code language of spies and crime families) to be attacked by white racists. 

At Harvard University their campus police harassed me saying "He's a communist." for many years. They were joined by Cambridge city employees and police who threatened men regularly. Then after saying "He's a Communist." they changed to "He's in organized crime." and harassed me for that also. Again they wish to change their story and attack me again for being a Communist. All this while the $3 billion funded human services industrial complex (phrase created by MA State Rep. Marie Parente) and the public safety agencies stand by, watch and laugh at the criminal abuse of a 70-year-old white man with white complexion. Or on occasion a volunteer psychiatrist, social worker, or psychologist appears to conduct treatment without consent. No one makes any effort to stop the abuse. They want to "help" the victim who is mentally ill. How charming and thoughtful of them. How brave.

What I found shocking is that there is a very large number of people who mindlessly believe what they are told by police, FBI and Communist thugs. It is not saying much about the education levels of humans in the United States. As Winston Churchill said, "The best argument against democracy is a five-minute conversation with the average voter."

Two aphorisms apply. George Bernard Shaw: "The road to hell is paved with good intentions." and my favorite, pre-Homeric philosopher, Cleobulous: "The chief source of evil among men is excessive good." In the name of helping poor people to overcome irrational barriers, racism, we harm innocent persons, and reward undeserving persons. This pattern creates animosity between the very groups which are the target of ending animosity.

But there is also a personal element to this which had a small effect on my life. I grew up poor, even though my parents are from the predator oppressor European nations that dominate ethnicity of the United States in some jurisdictions. My mother came from a peasant Jewish family in Poland. She arrived in Ellis Island when she was five. Her father came earlier recognizing the coming Holocaust. He found gold in the streets of America by opening a retail shoe store. He earned money to bring his wife and two children after him.

My mother married an alcoholic man from Maryland. When I was five he suffered a severe brain injury in an industrial accident. For the next 20 years he was paralyzed on his left side from brain damage. He often did not recognize me when he passed me in the street.

I began college with a partial scholarship and worked. I was always working beginning when I was 13. I was in and out of college and served in the US Navy during the Vietnam War. I did not see combat.

After the Navy, I worked as a computer systems programmer in New York City for one of the best consulting firms in the country. Our clients included IBM, American Airlines, the City of New York, and the Social Security Administration. I know a little about large computer systems. I was an expert debugger. Finding errors in computer programs was my specialty. I was part of a two-man team integrating IBM's Time Sharing System, which was like what UNIX is today for the internet.

After I obtained my degree I went to law school. I paid my tuition and living expenses from my savings from my computer work. After three months of law school I was running out of money. I went to the Dean and explained that I needed money to complete my year at school. He said to me, and this was before affirmative action was institutionalized in the country, "If you were black or Hispanic, I could give you money. But you are not and I can't."

At law school I saw children of wealthy and powerful parents who were getting money from the school. But because I was poor and white, I was not eligible for grants. It was my first experience of being discriminated against because of my race. It was not the last.

The day after I posted this essay I returned a book to the Cambridge public library. A black man I never saw before was behind desk and I explained I wanted a refund because I was not satisfied with the book I was returning. I reminded the man of the guarantee by the library of satisfaction guaranteed or double your money back. It is a joke I tell, like it or not. He smiled and I went on my way to the City Public Works department to turn in some hazardous material I found on the street near a Harvard University residential building. One student threw out trash and left it on the street in a box with other items. This is how I make work for myself. It was not my problem, but knowing that all kinds of people walk the streets of Cambridge I decided to prevent a potential dangerous use of this hazardous material and took it home expecting to bring it to the DPW. That was about three months ago. The DPW allows two days per week for three and one half hours for returning recyclable items. Again a black man was in charge. He told me I needed to wait for the next day which will be posted online and go to the other end of the city. I realized how dedicated one must be to dispose of materials appropriately. It takes a lot of time and effort. And it wasn't even my material.

Nonetheless I went to the grocery store next, and did not find what I wanted. Later I went to another library. As I went out of my residence building, I saw a young man who lives in the basement with his wife and baby, standing in the lobby. I've seen him and his wife a few times before and greeted each of them. He told me he locked himself out. I was perplexed at what to do. He needed to call the landlord, the President and Fellows of Harvard College, who has the key. I also wondered why he did not just go in the other entrance as he usually does. I've seen him and his wife do that regularly, as well as previous tenants. In fact the tenants of that apartment are seldom seen in the front of the building.

As I  left, I held the locked door open so he could enter the building. Because it makes a loud noise I closed the door by hand, so as not to annoy the neighbors who live near the door. As he waited for the elevator he took out his university ID and showed it to me. I said "No. I'm holding the door because it makes noise." He is from Africa and was showing me that he is a student not a burglar. I felt badly that he did that because I knew him. But it also may be one of those tests that Harvard University and their PC comrades do. Especially to me after the crime families and the FBI said about me "He's a racist." for 34 years in order to isolate me and to discredit me as part of a 43 year political character assassination campaign. But none of the persons who are in and around Harvard University and Cambridge are aware of that. And if I tell them they don't believe it. 

They say "You're a liar." So I'm used to living with that. But they can't say that I did not tell them. One local Democratic politician often said that to me. He also said, "I own you." One more example of the above mentioned aphorism. He is a lawyer. It is what lawyers (and spies) do, i.e., discredit others, while they promote their arguments, their propaganda. In courts a lawyer can ask a witness if he lied about an event previously. If so the lawyer implies to the trier of fact that this man's testimony cannot be believed due to his "propensity" to lie. But in this case the lawyer simply says "You're liar." which suggests "You always lie." It is like the logical problem about the truth telling indians. One generation always lies, and the next one always tells the truth. But he does not say "You lied about that event." He simply says "You are a liar." which means whatever you say is a lie. Character assassination, personal attack.

Nonetheless later at the second library, a Harvard University campus cop, was there to watch me in case of extreme white racism. It also indicates the misguided priorities of police in Cambridge and at Harvard University. They send out psychiatrists contrary to law for evaluations for alleged instances of bias. That is also an example of extreme abuses in the name of good. In Cambridge they attempt to enforce thought crimes. They force new employees to take a test explaining what they think about others who are different from them. The city refused to comply with an order from the state supervisor of public records to reveal those questions. It is Big Brother at work in Cambridge government and all employees who remain, accept that.
Those are some of my experiences as a poor white man being treated worse than illegal aliens and worse than wealthy children of upper class elite black persons and being slandered as I am abused.  In case you missed it a young black New York student on work study purchased a $349 belt and whines about racism. Also a young black New York woman purchased a $2500 purse and whines along with him.


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