March 23, 2011

Stalin and Hitler, One-Sided Forums as Debates

The argument that NYU's H. Bruce Franklin makes ("I used to think of Joseph Stalin as a tyrant and butcher who jailed and killed millions . . . But, to about a billion people today, Stalin is the opposite of what we in the capitalist world have been programmed to believe.") to praise Stalin applies to Hitler. Millions of Muslims today to hate Jews just as Hitler taught his youth. The same pattern of one-sided forums is a regular occurrence on Boston's PBS station where the daughter of 60 Minutes icon (Andy Rooney), Emily Rooney presents what she calls "debate" with only one side represented. Logic is not a strong point with liberals or propagandists.

University's soft spot for stalinists
New York Post
Last Updated: 12:21 AM, March 23, 2011
Posted: 10:03 PM, March 22, 2011

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