March 30, 2011

Dwight Eisenhower on NATO

Goodwin questions Obama's references to NATO. But Dwight Eisenhower in 1949 said of NATO when it was founded, "If it exists in ten years it will have been a failure." NATO is one of many government creations that refuse to die. It won't even fade away. ABC News (Raleigh-Durham NC) announced that 2200 Marines and Sailors will be deployed to Libya.
No ground troops?

Perplexed over saber 'prattling'
Michael Goodwin
New York Post
Last Updated: 2:52 AM, March 30, 2011
Posted: 1:24 AM, March 30, 2011

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The NATO Alliance is "defensive" in Nature. In Libya, it has gone beyond its authority under the North Atlantic Treaty, as ratified. Nothing in Article 5 authorizes NATO to send military forces into North Africa unless a member state is attacked. It is time the United States disengaged from this treaty which has lost its original purpose.