October 22, 2008

Cambridge Schools Fail, Politicians Apologize

Cambridge Schools Fail, Politicians Apologize

Does the poor performances of the Cambridge schools failing to teach Cambridge youth have anything to do with the overwhelming support for Barack Obama? Few Cambridge citizens have a well developed reasoning ability. They are vigorously diligent in their desire to conform. They are as easily fooled as the investors in Sub-prime mortgages were. Are we seeing life imitating art as in the film 'Face in the Crowd?' With well paid apologists (City Councilors and School Committee members) for the failure of the schools' performances supporting Obama, do we have in Cambridge the fooled leading the foolish? As Sweet Old Honest Abe Lincoln said, 'You can fool some of the people all the time, and all the people some of the time.' Does the dumbing down of American public school students make it harder or easier to fool people?

Roy Bercaw, Editor ENOUGH ROOM


Guest commentary: When the schools fail us all
By Peter Schweich
Cambridge Chronicle
Tue Oct 21, 2008, 11:12 AM EDT

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