October 23, 2014

Facebook, Gift To Intelligence Agencies

[From article]
L.P.: I think we should certainly be the most worried about the government -- they clearly have the most power. On technology companies, we should be concerned, but we are consenting to that relationship -- and they don't have the same powers. They can help the government find out who your sources are, but they don't have the power to investigate people. Which isn't to say that you shouldn't be concerned by the amount of data that Google or Facebook has on people. But I do think it's a different situation that government.

A.P.: Is there a risk that when private companies are collecting this type of data they're in effect also enabling government surveillance in some forms?

L.P.: Sure, don't you think? It totally does. Facebook is a gift to intelligence agencies. People volunteer all their social information.


Snowden filmmaker Laura Poitras: ‘Facebook is a gift to intelligence agencies’
By Andrea Peterson
October 23 at 1:36 PM

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