August 14, 2014

Dartmouth College Woman Student Harassed By Stalker, Wants Pistol License For Campus

[From article]
But as happens so often when crime victims speak out, others second guess their behavior. Unfortunately, last Thursday, Geraldo Rivera did just that on Fox News. Let's look at a few of his statements:
- Geraldo said that the threat against Taylor doesn't justify her getting a gun for protection: "...he is unable to make his bail, so he is in custody, and he is facing an almost certain four year sentence upon conviction."
- Geraldo seems to have confused the fact that her stalker has not yet posted bail with his inability to do so. Her stalker has hired one of the very best defense lawyers in San Diego county, and apparently, has been able to post a large retainer of hundreds of thousands of dollars.
His bail is currently set at $300,000, which means that all he has to do is put up $30,000. It appears pretty clear that he has the resources to do that.
Not wanting to depend on the court system to quickly inform her if the stalker posts bail, Taylor calls up every day to make sure that he is still in jail.
There is no way that the stalker is going to spend four years in prison. Indeed, the prosecutor has told Taylor that because of prison overcrowding in California and the possibility that his sentence could be reduced due to good behavior, the stalker won't be spending more than eight months in jail. The two months he has already been in jail will count towards that total. That means that he will likely be released in the middle of the upcoming school year.

The facts about Dartmouth student Taylor Woolrich and her stalker
By Dr. John R. Lott Jr.
Published August 12, 2014

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