July 25, 2014

Gallup Finds Pro Palestinians Are Less Educated Irrational, Low Information Voters

[From article]
According to Gallup’s internals, self-identifying Republicans are the primary reason Israel’s actions attract plurality support in this poll. GOP-leaners back Israel’s actions by a whopping 44-point margin; the numbers turn upside-down among independents (-10), and especially Democrats (-16). The cohorts least likely to label Israel’s attacks against Hamas as “justified” are young people (-26), non-whites (-24), women (-11), and people with a high school education or less (-11) — namely, the Democratic coalition. On a not-unrelated note, Americans who are under-informed about the issue tend to break heavily against Israel, whereas those who say they’re following developments at least “somewhat closely” back our democratic ally:
I’d ask what it would take for the “not justified” crowd to shift in Israel’s favor on this question, but the answers are depressingly obvious: Accurate information and/or more dead Israelis. Those are the primary antidotes to the biased and lazy mainstream media’s false equivalencies and context-free body count obsession. If Israel were less adept at protecting its innocents, and if Hamas actually tried to spare its civilians instead of intentionally putting them in harm’s way, low-information Americans might be spared the various monuments to “moral lunacy,” erected by people like Jon Stewart:
[. . .]
This is moral lunacy. You would never know from watching Stewart that Hamas is dedicated to the destruction of the Jewish state (and says so in its charter); that Hamas started the war; that Hamas wants to escalate the war; that Hamas has refused repeated ceasefires; and that Hamas is using innocent Palestinians as human shields by, for example, using hospitals and schools for military purposes. You would never know, in other words, that Hamas has a vested interest in more dead Palestinians, precisely in the hopes that people like Jon Stewart will make Israel out to be the more malicious of the two combatants.


Gallup: Israel’s critics are younger, less educated, less informed and more Democratic
POSTED AT 10:41 AM ON JULY 25, 2014

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