November 14, 2013

Invention Captures Microwaves, Converts to Electricity

The future: The device that is capable of harvesting microwave signals from the air consists of five fiberglass and copper conductors wired together on a circuit board.

Proud: Alexander Katko (left) and Allen Hawkes (right) pioneered the breakthrough. 'It's possible to use this design for a lot of different frequencies and types of energy, including vibration and sound energy harvesting,' said Katk.

[From article]
Engineers at Duke University have designed a breakthrough gadget that 'harvests' background microwave radiation and converts it into electricity, with the same efficiency as solar panels.
The development, unveiled on Thursday, raises exciting possibilities such as recharging a phone wirelessly and providing power to remote locations that can't access conventional electricity.
And the researchers say that their inexpensive invention is remarkably versatile. It could be used to capture 'lost' energy from a range of sources such as satellite transmissions, sound signals or Wi-Fi.

New invention 'harvests' electricity from background radiation and could be used to beam power to remote locations or recharge phones wirelessly
Device captures microwaves and converts them into electricity
Future versions could harvest satellite, sound or Wi-Fi signals
Technology could be used to recharge phones without cables or beam electricity to mountaintops
PUBLISHED: 18:51 EST, 8 November 2013 | UPDATED: 19:21 EST, 8 November 2013

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