April 5, 2013

How Government Works, Sgt. Ernie Bilko

Eric Stevenson, New York Assemblyman
Is he really Sgt. Bilko?

[From article]
“I just need you to tell me what they want. We prepare the bill . . . You can write down the language, basically what you want,” he said on one recording.
[. . .]
One video shows Stevenson stuffing the envelope “into his front pants pocket and covering his front pocket with the bottom of his shirt,” the feds said.
“All you gotta do is tell me what you want in the bill, and the bill drafter will put it together,” Stevenson told Gonzalez in December, to which Gonzalez responded: “We get that bill passed, we’re gonna be good money, you understand?”
In one phone call with Gonzalez, Stevenson said the bill was being put together to impose a two-year moratorium on the opening of adult day-care centers that would compete with those of the businessmen.


Bronx pol accused of accepting bribes to introduce legislation in Albany
By Carl Campanile, Kirstan Conley and Bruce Golding
New York Post
Last Updated: 6:30 AM, April 5, 2013
Posted: 1:57 AM, April 5, 2013

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