August 5, 2010

MA State Senate Campaign

On Thursday August 5, 2010 at about 4:15 PM a volunteer for MA State senate candidate Tim Flaherry called to ask if I was planning to vote for Flaherty. I asked if what Flaherty would do for me. The young man said Flaherty promoted rewriting the districts to make more sense. I observed that is a national problem of abuse by politicians. I asked him about addressing one-party government in MA. The young man said there were five Republican state senators and that was too many. There is no reasoning with a young man who does not support a two party political system. These are young people who are raised opposing dissent. That explains why there is so much intolerance in MA which promotes itself as the most tolerant. Yes, intolerance in the name of tolerance. That is like criminal abuse in the name of good.

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