July 19, 2010

Young Leaders Incompetent

[From article]
"This is a nation—a world—badly in need of adult supervision.
[. . .]
Youth is supposed to bring vigor and vision. In general, however, I think we find in our modern political figures that what it really brings is need—for greatness, to be transformative, to leave a legacy. Such clamorous needs! How very boring they are, how puny and small, but how huge in their consequences.
[. . .]
But here's the thing. You have to look hard for wise men. They're not all over the place anymore. There's kind of an emerging mentoring gap going on in America right now. You can see it in a generalized absence of the wise old politician/lawyer/leader/editor who helps the young along, who teaches them the ropes and ways and traditions of a craft."


Youth Has Outlived Its Usefulness

American politics is desperately in need of adult supervision.

Peggy Noonan
Wall Street Journal

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