October 30, 2009

NAMI is Not a Civil Rights Advocate

This article like others from the lazy journalist class cites NAMI as a mental health advocate. The terms are misleading. NAMI advocates for drug treatment not for constitutional rights or for humans. NAMI gets $3 million each year from drug companies to promote drug treatment. US Senator Grassley investigates their abuses.

NAMI Constituency Revealed

Saying the museum inhibits persons from seeking treatment shows their focus. If NAMI was truly interested in ending discrimination against persons with disabilities and helping them enjoy their basic constitutional rights, they would lobby against forced treatment which violates the US Constitution. They would object to negative bias among politicians, judges, prosecutors, Police, FBI, human services corporations, and journalists. These people every day refer to persons with disabilities as violent and scare others from allowing them to enjoy their rights.

NAMI encourages this stigma because the victims of the discrimination are forced into the hands of psychiatrists who will prescribe drugs for the drug companies. NAMI focuses on promoting drug treatment and leaves intact government regulations and laws which are egregious abuses of persons with disabilities. NAMI's funding comes from corporations which earn billions pushing toxic chemicals on humans. These drugs are known to cause violent thoughts and acts after starting and stopping taking these chemicals. If the drugs cause violence why start? Promoting dangerous drugs must end. NAMI ignores the constitutional rights of persons with disabilities. They advocate for drug companies not humans.


Clinton 'Asylum of Terror' haunted house angers N.J. mental-health advocates
By Veronica Slaght
The Star-Ledger
October 30, 2009, 5:10AM

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