March 8, 2015

Russian Oil Interests Fund Opposition to Fracking, Environmental Groups

[From article]
Well, a recent report offers some useful detailed information about the role of Russia in funding the opposition to fracking by so-called Green groups.
The piece was written by investigative reporter Lachlan Markay. He reports the amazing news that a mysterious Bermuda-based company with Russian connections has been feeding tens of millions of dollars to American environmentalist groups who just happen to be virulently anti-fracking.
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The Bermudan company is called “Klein Ltd.” Klein donated (i.e., transferred) over $23 million – in the year 2010 alone! – to American environmentalist groups that aim to halt the American fracking revolution and its expansion abroad. Klein funneled the cash to a non-profit organization called “the Sea Change Foundation,” based (where else?) in California. This amounted to 40% of the foundation’s money, please note. The Sea Change Foundation in turn shoveled the loot to anti-fossil fuel activist groups such as the Center for American Progress, Food and Water Watch, the League of Conservation Voters, the National Resource Defense Council, and (but of course) the Sierra Club. These environmentalist machines in turn use the pelf to fund their agitprop disinformation campaigns against fracking.
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Klein Ltd. has a director by the name of Nicholas Hopkins. Hopkins just coincidentally is also a director of an investment company that is deeply invested in Russian oil and natural gas companies.
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However, the purpose of this web is clear: keep the price of oil high, and keep Russia and its pals like Venezuela and Iran well-funded. All these companies are well-hidden behind walls of secrecy and an iron curtain of opacity. This Russian funding of green groups from behind a screen of secrecy is reminiscent of the Soviet campaign over decades to influence our movie industry and fund various “peace” groups.
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In fact, this is of a piece with the long history of the Soviets funneling money to useful American idiots, from socialists and communist fellow-travelers to peace groups to now environmentalist groups.
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It is high time for Congress to set up a joint committee to investigate the graft, corruption, cronyism, and foreign influence of the so-called green energy industries. And legislation should be crafted totally outlawing foreign money going to any organization that does any political advocacy in the U.S. That should include foundations like the Clintons’, which even now is accepting massive amounts of foreign money to help Hilary run for president.

March 2, 2015
Russian Money and Useful American Idiots: The Same Old Story
By Gary Jason

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