March 17, 2015

FBI Search Powers Increased By Proposed Rule Change

[From article]
Known as Rule 41, the existing provision generally allows judges to approve search warrants only for material within the geographic bounds of their judicial district.
But the rule change, as requested by the department, would allow judges to grant warrants for remote searches of computers located outside their district or when the location is unknown.
[. . .]
But the plan has been widely opposed by privacy advocates, such as the American Civil Liberties Union, as well as some technologists, who say it amounts to a substantial rewriting of the rule and not just a procedural tweak. Such a change could threaten the Fourth Amendment's protections against unreasonable search and seizures, they warn, and possibly allow the FBI to violate the sovereignty of foreign nations. The rule change also could let the agency simultaneously target millions of computers at once, even potentially those belonging to users who aren't suspected of any wrongdoing.

FBI’s Plan to Expand Hacking Power Advances Despite Privacy Fears
Google had warned that the rule change represents a “monumental” constitutional concern.

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