March 13, 2015

EU Suggests Establishing Asylum Camps In Origin Countries

[From article]
European Union foreign ministers will on Monday consider helping set up camps in the Middle East and Africa where people can request asylum on site without having to risk their lives crossing the Mediterranean to reach Europe, officials said.
At least 3,500 people, many of them fleeing poverty and fighting, died trying to make the journey in 2014, according to the United Nations. Data suggest the number trying to reach the most common destination, Italy, is rising sharply.
The Italian coast guard said on Friday it had coordinated the rescue of 153 migrants who were being taken to Sicily aboard a Danish merchant ship after their rafts ran into trouble around 30 miles from the coast of Libya.
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"This would deprive human traffickers of an important share of their market."
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Tunisia, Turkey, Jordan and Lebanon are indicated in the letter as the first countries that the EU assistance should focus on.

EU considers foreign camps to handle asylum seekers

By By Francesco Guarascio
March 13, 2015

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