November 2, 2013

Anti Incumbent Party

[From article]
President Calvin Coolidge, with every prospect of being reelected in 1928, declared simply: "I do not choose to run." Later, in his memoirs, he explained how dangerous it is to have anyone remain too long in the White House, surrounded by flattery and insulated from reality. What a contrast that attitude is with the attitude of the current occupant of the White House!
[. . .]
The rise of the permanent political class in Washington came with the rise of a vast government apparatus with unprecedented amounts of money and power to control and corrupt individuals, institutions and the fabric of the whole society.

Jewish World Review
Oct. 29, 2013/ 25 Mar-Cheshvan, 5774
Throw the Rascals Out?
By Thomas Sowell
* * *

[From article]
Campaign contributions are just one of the things that can be extorted. The number of spouses, children or other relatives or favorites of Congressional incumbents who get high-paying jobs in private businesses regulated by government can hardly be coincidental.
When Al Gore was Vice President during the Clinton administration, he simply phoned various special interests and told them how much he wanted them to contribute. He did not have to spell out the reasons why they should — or why they had better. They already knew from experience how the game is played.
[. . .]
If we paid every member of Congress a million dollars a year — for an entire century — that would add up to less than the cost of running the Department of Agriculture for one year.
Since politics attracts greedy candidates, what prevents the same kind of people from running for office and continuing to grant favors to special interests, and taking the higher salary too. The answer is  nothing. Why is there no mention of integrity and common sense?

Jewish World Review
Oct. 30, 2013/ 26 Mar-Cheshvan, 5774
Throw the Rascals Out?: Part II
By Thomas Sowell

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