December 17, 2010

Propaganda Promoting Psychiatry

The Post publishes pure propaganda for the drug industry exploiting tragedies to promote drug treatment. Torrey is a control freak and mercenary psychiatrist who focuses on finding new ways to criminalize human speech and behavior. The author scares the public into demanding a drug industry lackey be installed as NY Commissioner of Mental Health. Though recognizing the role of drugs in increasing violence, he promotes drugging vulnerable people. He laments increased prison populations of what he calls mental patients. But is unconcerned that Torrey's policies criminalizes protected speech and behavior. Torrey is like J. Edgar Hoover who was the arsonist and the Fire Chief. He created the problem that he now claims to solve.

[From article]
"When he was on his meds, you would never believe he was bipolar," said a relative.
[. . .]
all were abandoned by programs "certified" by the Office of Mental Health until they oh-so-predictably became violent."

They didn't have to die
NY's mental-health mistake
New York Post
Last Updated: 4:18 AM, December 16, 2010
Posted: 10:40 PM, December 15, 2010

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