June 15, 2010

What is a Jew?

[From article]
"JEWS were expelled from what is now Israel in roughly the sixth century BC and again in the second century AD.
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Both studies also find that Jews have a strong genetic link to modern Palestinians, Druze and Bedouins,
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The question is whether the children of intermarried couples who identify themselves as Jewish are actually Jewish. Genetics might say no, but tradition and Jewish law would (in most cases) say yes.
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To the religious, Judaism is defined by customs and beliefs. To the secular, Jews are members of an ethnic “tribe,” a tribe that knows from good bagels."


Genetic testing raises an age-old question — are the Jews a people, or a religion?

Last Updated: 5:15 AM, June 13, 2010

Posted: 12:15 AM, June 13, 2010

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