June 27, 2010

Elders Abandoned by Relatives and Taxpayer Funded Corps.

Media hype drives legislation. Compared to deaths from medical negligence (90,000 annually), deaths caused by elder drivers are a minor problem. Don't tell journalists. Why are elder drivers with diminished motor skills driving alone? Where are their relatives if they have any? If not where are the taxpayer funded elder services corporations? What are these allegedly well-intentioned caring professionals doing with their taxpayer provided salaries? Why don't the caring professions help elders with their errands and transportation needs? Eagan focuses on a symptom of the illness which pervades American society--sending elders to the trash pile. Why do Americans abandon their parents? Why do taxpayer funded ($2 billion each year in MA) human services corporations ignore the simple needs of these citizens? The irrational response promoted by Eagan brings the police power of the state on these vulnerable people. Was common sense banished from MA?


Road-age crisis rages

Elder-driver law fails to tackle safety issue

By Margery Eagan
Boston Herald
Sunday, June 27, 2010

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