April 12, 2010

What is Jewish Person?

As a general principle, Jewish holidays are divided between days on
which you must starve and days on which you must overeat.

Many Jews observe no fewer than 16 fasts throughout the Jewish year,
based on the time-honored principle that even if you are sure that you are
ritually purified, you definitely aren't.

Though there are many feasts and fasts, there are no holidays requiring
light snacking.

Note: Unlike Christians, who simply attend church on special days (e.g.
Ash Wednesday), on Jewish holidays most Jews take the whole day off.
This is because Jews, for historical and personal reasons, are more
stressed out.

The Diet Guide to the Jewish Holidays:

Rosh Hashanah ------- Feast
Tzom Gedalia ----------- Fast
Yom Kippur -------------- More fasting
Sukkot -------------------- Feast for a week +
Hashanah Rabbah ---- More feasting
Simchat Torah --------- Keep right on feasting
Month of Heshvan ----- No feasts or fasts for a whole month. Get a grip on
Hanukkah ---------------- Eat potato pancakes
Tenth of Tevet --------- Do not eat potato pancakes
Tu B'Shevat ------------ Feast
Fast of Esther ---------Fast
Purim --------------------- Eat pastry
Passover ---------------- Do not eat pastry for a week
Shavuot ------------------ Dairy feast (cheesecake, blintzes, etc.)
17th of Tammuz -------- Fast (definitely no cheesecake or blintzes)
Tish B'Av ----------------- Serious fast (don't even think about
cheesecake or blintzes)
Month of Elul ------------ End of cycle. Enroll in Center for Eating
Disorders before High Holidays arrive again.

There are many forms of Judaism:

Cardiac Judaism ---------- in my heart I am a Jew.
Gastronomic Judaism --- we eat Jewish foods.
Pocketbook Judaism ----- I give to Jewish causes.
Drop-off Judaism --------- drop the kids off at Sunday School; go out to
Twice a Year Judaism -- attend service Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur.

You know you grew up Jewish when:

You did not respond to the teacher calling roll on the first day of
school because you thought your name was "Princess".

You've had at least one female relative who drew eyebrows on her face that
were always asymmetrical.

You spent your entire childhood thinking that everyone calls roast beef

Your family dog responds to complaints uttered in Yiddish.

Every Sunday afternoon of your childhood was spent visiting your

You've experienced the phenomena of 50 people fitting into a 10-foot-wide
dining room hitting each other with plastic plates & forks trying to get
to a deli tray.

You thought pasta was the stuff used exclusively for kugel and kasha with

You watched Lawrence Welk and Ed Sullivan every Sunday night.

You were as tall as your grandmother by age seven.

You never knew anyone whose last name didn't end in one of 6 standard
suffixes (-man,-witz, -berg, -stein, -blatt or -baum).

You grew up and were surprised to find out that wine doesn't always taste
like year-old cranberry sauce.

You can look at gefilte fish without turning green.

You grew up thinking there was a fish called lox.

You can understand some Yiddish but you can't speak it.

You know how to pronounce numerous Yiddish words and use them correctly
in context, yet you don't exactly know what they mean.

Is that Kenahurra or is that kaninehurra? (I say it's kenahurra)

You have at least one ancestor who is related to your spouse's ancestor.

You grew up thinking it was normal for someone to shout "Are you okay? Are
you okay?" through the bathroom door if you were in there for longer than
3 minutes. *MY # 1 LOL Favorite....!

You have at least six male relatives named Michael or David.

Your grandparent's furniture smelled like mothballs, was covered in
plastic and was as comfortable as sitting on sandpaper.

Baruch Hashem and G-d willing, may you have a day full of mazel and shalom! + GELT & GLICKLUCH!

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