November 6, 2008

Some More Offended?

Some More Offended?

Who but the brain-dead deny white racism existed in this country for many years? Why is white racism elevated over other forms of odious bias? Jews were rounded up and killed by government officials in Germany and in Russia. Why is this less of an issue? Has this country elected a Jewish President yet? In Cambridge the police condone and participate in daily criminal harassment of persons with disabilities -- not 100 or 50 years ago, but today. Elected officials express outrage at white racism, and hate speech regarding homosexuals. But they ignore black racism, and criminal abuses of persons with disabilities today. What is wrong with the reasoning process of well-intentioned citizens? Is it only what gets printed in the New York Times and highlighted by PBS that is real? Is it Eddie Murphy's lament when his wife catches him in bed with another woman, "Who you gonna believe me or your lying eyes?"

While we're at it what about an Italian American President? Armenian-American? Etc? Why are African American achievements over-celebrated? Is white guilt any part of it, while no guilt for other forms of bias? As for the daily harassment of persons with disabilities (no bias there Ahem!) I just love the reaction of those compassionate liberals in Cambridge. Do they also doubt that a Cambridge landlord refused to rent to a person with a disability? A liberal in Cambridge? Can't be true. Liberals in Cambridge are all good all the time. Must be a white conservative Republican. They are all bad all the time. This is rational observations and awareness?

Roy Bercaw, Editor ENOUGH ROOM

Letter: 'This is a day to celebrate'
Wed Nov 05, 2008, 11:45 AM EST
Cambridge Chronicle -
Ward One Democratic Committee
Hurley Street

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