August 14, 2007

In the Name of Right

In the Name of Right

Explaining the abuse of police power, New York Governor Eliot Spitzer said,
his administration "'allowed our passion to get the best of us,' They were
'fighting so hard for what we believed was right that we let down out guard.'"
(John Podhoretz, "The Humble Act," NYPost, August 10, 2007, page 31) Have these
small-minded politicians ever heard George Bernard Shaw's dictum, "The road to
hell is paved with good intentions?" Or Greek pre-Homeric Philosopher
Cleobulous's observation that "The chief source of evil among men is excessive
The lack of respect for New York Senator Joe Bruno and for the democratic
process indicates that these politicians are simply evil. The greatest harm
always appears in the name of good. Why are these superior men employed by "The
Steamroller" unable to simply follow the laws of the state and the US? Does
their superiority make them see what is more important than obeying the law and
their oaths of office?

Roy Bercaw, Editor ENOUGH ROOM

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