March 18, 2015

Race Relations Worse Under Obama Holder

[From article]
Sunday on Fox News Channel’s “America’s News HQ,” Lt. Governor Peter Kinder (R-MO) said Attorney General Eric Holder “on many occasions” seemed to “be inciting the mob.”
[. . .]
When asked if he had spoken to Mr. Holder directly, Kinder said, “No, no, no, he doesn’t bend to speak with people like me. He comes into town and meets with one side. He met with the family of Michael Brown, and that’s fine that he met with them. But, he did not meet with the family of officer Darren Wilson or with his brother and sister officers to say I’m backing you up.”
[. . .]
In fact, we are in Obama year 7, and the president seems more passionate about "DREAMers" or "same-sex marriage" than the state of black America.
[. . .]
How bad are the public schools in Chicago? Mr. Obama's daughters don't go to those schools, even before, when he was a relatively unknown Illinois politician.
Look at black-on-black crime, the least talked about social problem in the U.S.
Where can you find evidence that black America is improving?
This is why the Obama administration is vocal about voting rights and the war on black young men. They need to fan the fires of racism because they can't address the problems in black America.
They have no solutions except to play the race card!

March 17, 2015
Race relations getting worse?
By Silvio Canto, Jr.

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