March 9, 2015

Most Humans Still Tolerate Genocide, Mass Murder

[From article]
The Jew has always been the canary in the mine. And now Christ's descendants burn at the hands of Hagar's children as more of G-d's creatures are thrown on the pyre. And mankind looks away yet again while Christian Coptics beseech the world to help them and Jews in France hurriedly pack their bags and flee to the Promised Land to escape the fury of the European jihadist human beasts.
Elie Wiesel continues to be a "still small voice" persisting even when his comrades-in-camp, Primo Levi, Jerzy Kosinski, and Paul Celan committed suicide having endured so much in the concentration camps. We are living in a world where Islamic terrorists revile the “little Satan” and forswear to kill every last Jew. Where Arab leaders would rather let their own people go without water than share a drop of it with the Jews!
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Do they not understand that "the test of the morality of a society is what it does for its children?" How can they squander their babies' futures like this? When will maternal instinct trump Islamic terror?
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Yet the toxic hate and indifference of the world continues. Moses and Abraham argued with G-d. Holocaust survivors put G-d before a tribunal. What is there left for us to do now?
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What perverse instinct is in mankind that it cannot tolerate differences?
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And still the Land of Milk and Honey stands in stark contrast to the enemies that surround it. Against all odds, Israel fights the moral blight that surrounds her and continues to use technology to help all of mankind. Israel takes seriously the moral obligation to be a light unto the nations, be they Jew or Gentile, despite the hate spewed at her by so much of the world.
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Paranoia is surely the shadow of the intelligent Jew. We are encumbered with memories that need no dates for they are timeless and unremitting.

March 8, 2015
Refuse to Surrender
By Eileen Toplansky

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